Each year, Surrey Homelessness & Housing Society launches a campaign to bring awareness and understanding to the issues of homelessness and housing in the Surrey community. This year, our focus is on Paths to Home — recognizing that everyone’s experience is different, and there are many pathways into homelessness that could impact all of us.
When we see someone experiencing or at risk of homelessness, that is just a snapshot of their life. We do not know their story and what structural barriers and individual circumstances they have faced and are currently facing. While this does not define who they are, the community may make assumptions based on stigmas and preconceived notions.
Understanding the structural issues and larger context, along with individual stories, helps pave a Path to Home — providing housing and supports people need to thrive and live a full life. Having access to secure and stable housing provides a foundation for stability, wellness, and opportunity.

Thinking about Paths to Stability, we know that for a single mother or a woman facing violence, stable housing is key to creating a better life. SHHS partners with non-profits that provide women and their children with a safe and supportive place to call home, along with wrap-around support services including financial literacy and life skills training, single mother supports, and groceries and essentials. We have granted over $2 million for #PathsToHome for women and children in Surrey.

Paths to Opportunity focuses on youth, and emphasizes the importance for youth to have a stable and consistent home with support networks as they transition to adulthood. SHHS partners with non-profit organizations that help youth thrive on their journey to independence, including providing employment and skills training, educational opportunities, after-school programs, and peer groups and mentorship. We have granted $500,000+ to #PathsToHome for youth in the Surrey community.

The third element of our campaign is Paths to Wellness, which takes a health focus. Stable housing provides a foundation for wellness, so people can move forward and live their best lives. We partner with non-profits that provide access to housing, kitchens, and hot meals, connections to an inclusive community, mental health support, and programs for people experiencing recovery. We have granted over $1 million for #PathsToHome for those on their journey to wellness in Surrey.
To support Surrey Homelessness & Housing Society’s work in these key focus areas, please join us: GIVE HERE 🙂