Togetherlet’s support Paths to Home in Surrey.
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Supporting Paths to Home
Our goal for 2023 is to raise $20,000+ for projects and initiatives in Surrey that reduce and prevent homelessness.
Surrey Homelessness & Housing Society has been helping build hope and homes in our community since 2007, granting over $10 million to local projects and initiatives that make a difference in the lives of Surrey’s priority populations. In 2020, we quickly pivoted to provide additional resources in response to COVID-19 and granted $600,000 to 30 projects. Our grants helped organizations in Surrey deploy food, meal and housing stability programs, meet the immediate need for essential items and supplies and purchase safety and sanitation equipment.
The pandemic has exposed the challenges and barriers faced by our unhoused community members and those at risk of becoming unhoused. The lingering impacts of the pandemic are still evolving, and we know that marginalized communities are disproportionately impacted. Housing insecurity has increased for many, and ensuring access to safe, stable and supportive housing is key to helping people move forward. Housing can make a significant difference and provide hope for a positive future. In 2021, we granted $290,000 to 9 projects that will provide access to stable and supportive housing for people impacted by homelessness in Surrey.
We have the ability to come together and meet the need in our community. With your support, we can provide help, hope and homes for those experiencing homelessness in Surrey. Everyone deserves housing so they can reach their full potential. Join us in our vision that everyone in Surrey has a home and make an impact by supporting paths to home for the most vulnerable in our community. Please donate today!
donate todayHere are some ways you can help support paths to home in Surrey
provides a warm bed
With your support, we can assist with providing housing options for people who are unhoused or at risk of becoming unhoused. Your donation will help individuals maintain a roof over their heads, a warm bed at night and a safe place to call home. Access to stable housing is a key building block to help people realize their full potential and break the cycle of poverty.
outreach support
Helping people experiencing homelessness secure and maintain housing with wrap-around supports is important to set them up for long-term success. Your donation will help bolster staff capacity at organizations providing essential, outreach support to help youth, adults and families get connected to the housing and support services they need.
home essentials kit
From bedding and cookware to pantry supplies and groceries, there are many basic necessities unhoused people need to get started in their own place. Families and individuals at risk of homelessness may be faced with difficult decisions, like sacrificing buying groceries because they have to make rent. Your donation towards a home essentials kit will go a long way towards providing hope for individuals and families in these situations.
safe transportation
Safe transportation can make sure food, supplies and services reach the people who need them most. Whether it is a medical appointment, work, school, a meeting with a landlord or a ride to safety, access to transit is necessary on so many levels. Your donation will help provide mobile outreach services and safely get people from point A to B.
hygiene supplies
Personal care supplies are essential to maintaining hygienic practices and good health. Your donation will help provide access to personal care products and basic needs supplies that most find in their bathroom cabinet at home.
feeds a family
As little as $25 can help provide a well-rounded meal for a family who may be struggling with putting food on the table. Your donation will help deploy food and meal programs that will help meet this urgent need.
See the direct impact of your contributions
Be a change maker in Surrey – lead the way home
We work with community organizations to develop and fund Made in Surrey solutions that address the challenges specific to our community. When you give, your donation will have a substantial impact on homelessness in our community. Together, we can support paths to home for people in Surrey.
see stories“In the beginning, I didn’t want to even ask people (to stay with them), because I know people have a certain outlook on homeless people, like ‘she’s going to be doing drugs in our bathroom.’ I don’t want them to think that. I literally have nowhere to go.”