Ending Homelessness is Possible
Our Vision and Mission
Our Vision is that Everyone in Surrey Has a Home
Surrey Homelessness & Housing Society’s mission is to raise, manage and distribute funds to support programs, projects and initiatives to make a difference in the lives of people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Surrey.

History of the Fund
In 2007, the City of Surrey allocated $9 million from the City’s Affordable Housing Reserve Fund to seed Surrey Homelessness & Housing Society. This was a response to the emerging trend of homelessness and lack of affordable housing in the City of Surrey.
The Surrey Homelessness and Housing Fund is an endowment – meaning the principal amount remains relatively intact. This allows the fund to have greater long-term impact; as the fund grows, SHHS will be able to provide more funding to housing and homelessness solutions. The Surrey Homelessness and Housing Fund is managed by Vancity Community Foundation, on behalf of Surrey Homelessness & Housing Society.
Inaugural Grant to Atira Women’s Resource Society: Maxxine Wright Community Health Centre
In 2008, Surrey Homelessness & Housing Society issued a call for proposals for a one time $1 million grant. Almost thirty agencies submitted Letters of Intent, and four agencies were invited to submit full proposals. In the end, Atira Women’s Resources Society was chosen and in February of 2010, the Maxxine Wright Community Health Centre opened its doors. Today, the 8,000-square-foot community building in the heart of Whalley continues to provide services for at-risk women and girls who struggle with substance abuse, mental-health problems and violence. The facility includes a shelter, second-stage transition housing, a childcare centre and a health clinic. As well, women who are pregnant or have a newborn can stay for up to six months, allowing them to have a safe place to live and access to a wide range of supportive resources.

Surrey Homelessness and Housing Society
Surrey homelessness and housing society donations are generously processed by the Vancity Community Foundation Vancity Community Foundation
Vera LeFranc
Surrey Homelessness & Housing Society Board
Board Chair
Pardeep Kooner, City Councillor
Board of Directors
Rob Stutt, City Councillor
Jim Bennett
Sherry Grewal
Archie Johnston
Brian MacGregor
Hanne Madsen
Nasima Nastoh
Dave Pel
Jen Temple

The Board of Surrey Homelessness & Housing Society is made up of community members and City Councillors from the City of Surrey.